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Partners in Innovation

We’ve partnered with investors, suppliers, and engineering and development firms from around the world to advance nuclear technology and bring small modular reactors (SMRs) to market.

ENTRA1 Energy Logo

ENTRA1 Energy Partnership

ENTRA1 Energy is our exclusive global partner for the commercialization, distribution, and deployment of our SMR technology. Through this partnership, ENTRA1 Energy develops, finances, owns, and operates SMR plants powered by the NuScale Power Module™.

Fluor logo.
Fluor Corporation
Investor & EPFC Lead

Fluor Corporation became our majority shareholder with a significant investment in 2011. Fluor also serves as our engineering, procurement, fabrication, and construction (EPFC) lead. For more than a decade, we have collaborated with Fluor on various aspects of SMR power plant design.

About Fluor

Doosan logo.
Doosan Enerbility, Ltd.
Investor & Strategic Supplier

In addition to providing cash investments, Doosan is part of a larger manufacturing team that’s building NuScale Power Module™ (NPM) sub-assemblies.

As part of this project, Doosan completed a manufacturability review for the module in 2021. This review successfully established the manufacturing sequence and processes for NPMs. In 2023, Doosan began the forging production process for the first NPMs.

BWXT logo.
BWXT Canada
Module Fabrication

We are working with BWXT Canada Ltd. (BWTX Canada) to develop the fabrication process for the NuScale Power Module™ (NPM).

Our collaboration began in 2019 with a design for manufacturing contract for the module’s upper reactor pressure vessel and steam generator.

About BWXT Canada

GS Energy logo.
GS Energy
Investor & Operator

Along with financial support, GS Energy will share its 20+ years of expertise in power plant operations to support future deployment of plants powered by NuScale SMRs in specific locations in Asia, and in other locations where mutually agreed.

About GS Energy

JGC logo.
JGC Holdings Corporation
Investor & EPC

As part of a commercial relationship with Fluor Corporation, JGC Holdings Corporation (JGC HD) provided a $40 million cash investment. JGC HD will also partner with Fluor on the deployment of plants powered by NuScale technology in specific locations in Asia, and in other locations where mutually agreed.

About JGC HD

Samsung logo.
Samsung C&T Corporation
Investor & Contractor

In addition to providing cash investments, Samsung C&T is sharing their nuclear plant construction expertise. Samsung C&T also plans to participate in future power plant construction projects in Europe and Asia.

About Samsung C&T

Sargent & Lundy logo.
Sargent & Lundy
Investor & Design Support

In addition to making a cash investment, Sargent & Lundy is assisting with the development of our standard plant design and providing additional architect-engineer support.

About Sargent & Lundy

Science and Technology Center in Ukraine logo.
Science and Technology Center in Ukraine
SMR Licensing Gap Analysis

We are providing technical assistance for a Ukraine SMR licensing gap analysis as part of a grant awarded to the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA).

About STCU

State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety logo.
State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety

We are collaborating with Ukraine’s State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS) on the regulatory and design gaps between the U.S. and Ukraine processes for the licensing, construction, and operation of a plant powered by NuScale SMR technology. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is also funding an independent review of our Safety Analysis Report (SAR) to be conducted by the SSTC NRS.


Xcel Energy Inc logo.
Xcel Energy Inc.
Plant Operations

We are exploring the feasibility of Xcel Energy serving as a plant operator at facilities powered by NuScale technology. While we do not yet have a formal operating agreement, we are examining the potential for Xcel Energy to become our preferred operational services provider.

About Xcel Energy


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