
NuScale and NuHub to Pursue SMR Development in South Carolina

PORTLAND, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--In a step designed to accelerate the deployment of modular, scalable nuclear technology and boost economic development, NuScale Power LLC, and NuHub, an economic development initiative in Columbia, SC, will work together to pursue a small modular reactor project (SMR) at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina.

The team’s proposal will integrate one or more utilities to assist NuScale in its Design Certification process with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and development of the Reference Construction & Operating Licensing Application (R-COLA).

As part of this agreement, NuScale will support efforts by NuHub to use this opportunity as a vehicle for economic development in the Columbia region and throughout South Carolina. NuHub, an initiative of EngenuitySC, will participate in NuScale’s application for an award under the Department of Energy’s (DOE) $452 million cost sharing program for Small Modular Reactor Licensing Technical Support.

“NuHub recognizes the importance of SMRs in meeting the need for clean energy in the Southeast region of the United States and around the world,” said Charles T. (Ted) Speth II, NuHub SMR Chair. “Commercial deployment of this technology also offers a powerful engine for economic growth through expansion of manufacturing and the establishment of higher education and training programs in engineering and power plant operations,” he said. “NuHub is pleased to be a part of the development of NuScale’s advanced and innovative new design.”

“Our ability to join forces with NuHub is a dramatic demonstration of the market interest in NuScale’s technology,” said Paul Lorenzini, chief executive officer and president of NuScale Power. “South Carolina already receives much of its electricity from nuclear power plants. The state and the Savannah River Site are ideally-suited for development of a NuScale SMR.”

In March, NuScale, the Savannah River Site (SRS) and Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) signed a Memorandum of Agreement to collaborate on the potential deployment of a nuclear power plant using NuScale’s technology at the site. NuScale has collaborated with SRNL and SRS for more than a year on the evaluation of the site for a small, modular reactor. Based on NuScale’s input, SRS has identified several locations on the 310 square-mile site that likely are suitable for project development.

DOE’s program is designed to accelerate the deployment of SMRs by providing cost sharing over five years for the licensing of up to two technologies. Applications for the awards are due May 21, 2012, and DOE expects to announce the awardees this summer.

About NuScale Power, LLC

NuScale Power LLC, is developing an inherently safe, modular, scalable commercial nuclear power technology. NuScale’s design offers the benefits of carbon-free nuclear power but takes away the issues presented by the cost of installing large capacity. A nuclear power plant using NuScale’s technology is comprised of individual nuclear power modules; each produces 45 megawatts of electricity with its own combined containment vessel and reactor system, and its own designated turbine-generator set. A power plant can include as many as 12 NuScale integral PWR modules to produce as much as 540 megawatts. NuScale power plants are scalable – additional modules are added as customer demand for electricity increases. These multi-module plants are highly reliable – one unit can be taken out of service for refueling or maintenance, or a new unit added, without affecting the operation of the others.

About NuHub

NuHub, an initiative of EngenuitySC, is a collaborative group of public, private, higher education and workforce development stakeholders working to maximize economic and job creation opportunities for the nuclear industry in the Midstate region of South Carolina, and to establish the Midstate as a hub and global leader for nuclear energy innovation.

About EngenuitySC

Headquartered in Columbia, EngenuitySC is public/private partnership formed to develop and grow the South Carolina Midlands’ knowledge-based economy by fostering an environment where entrepreneurship, innovation, and the creation of knowledge are fundamental elements of the region’s culture, identity, and economic development strategy. Through collaboration with business, government, and higher education, EngenuitySC leads initiatives that support research development, promote commercialization, and leverage the region’s assets.
