
NuScale Power Offers UK Deployability and Opportunity

NuScale Power’s Small Modular Reactor (SMR) is credible for deployment in the UK in the 2020s and offers significant benefits to the UK industrial landscape. This is the message to be delivered in London today by Tom Mundy, NuScale’s Managing Director - UK & Europe.

Speaking at the Nuclear Institute’s SMR2016 conference, “Small Modular Reactors: What, Why and When?”, Mundy will brief the wider industry on progress in both the UK and U.S. markets.

Mundy said:

“This is a busy time for NuScale in the UK and the U.S. NuScale is participating in the opening phase of the Government’s SMR Competition. We are continuing to develop lasting partnerships with the UK supply chain and we are in discussions with potential owner/operators interested in deploying our technology here in the UK.

“NuScale’s technology offers the UK the best of both worlds – a near term, credible, deployable SMR technology which, at the same time, will require substantial and sustained involvement from the British industry to bring about its manufacture and deployment in, and export from, the UK.”

NuScale Power’s vision for the UK is to see NuScale Power Modules rolling off production lines in British factories and generating power for British homes in the 2020s, bringing major job and growth benefits to the UK. Exports would transform the UK into a hub for SMRs.

Mundy will set out six factors underpinning NuScale’s deployability in the 2020s in the UK.

  1. Strong financial backing – NuScale is the only SMR developer to currently be receiving funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. NuScale also has strong backing from its primary investor Fluor Corporation.
  2. World class expertise – NuScale’s 600-strong team has invested more than 3.5 million hours in developing the technology, supported by more than 50 world-leading engineering companies and with advice from leading industry figures and companies making up two thirds of U.S. nuclear generation capacity.
  3. Commercialisation and customers – NuScale has confirmed U.S. customers, with plans for the first plant to be operating in Idaho in 2024 and a line of sight to several more U.S. projects.
  4. Robust test programme – Based on tried-and-tested PWR technology, NuScale has since 2003 pursued an extensive testing program at its world class test facilities, precluding the need for a demonstration project.
  5. Licensing – NuScale is on course to submit its Design Certification Application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) this year. Over 90% of the work required for the application is now complete. More than 100 meetings with the NRC, 20,000 hours of NRC staff time and the submission of numerous topical and technical reports have all increased confidence in the review and approval timeline.
  6. Design development – With 276 patents pending or granted in 21 counties, NuScale’s patent portfolio continues to grow. The First of a Kind Engineering programme provides further IPR opportunity for participating supply chain companies in the U.S. and UK.

About NuScale Power, LLC

NuScale Power, LLC is developing a new kind of nuclear plant; a safer, smaller, scalable version of pressurized water reactor technology, designed with natural safety features; a technology initially developed and tested at Oregon State University. Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR), a global engineering, procurement, and construction company with a 60-year history in commercial nuclear power, is the majority investor in NuScale. As the sole winner of the second round of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) competitively-bid, cost-sharing program to develop nuclear small modular reactor (SMR) technology, NuScale is the only SMR developer currently receiving DOE financial support. NuScale's design offers the benefits of carbon-free nuclear power and reduces the financial commitments and risks associated with the cost of installing large capacity. A nuclear power plant using NuScale's technology is comprised of individual NuScale Power Modules™, each producing 50 megawatts of electricity (gross) with its own factory-built combined containment vessel and reactor vessel, and its own packaged turbine-generator set. A power plant can include as many as 12 NuScale Power Modules to produce as much as 600 MWe, gross (570 net, nominal, after house loads). The reactor coolant system uses simple properties of physics: convection, conduction and gravity, to drive the flow of coolant in the reactor. In the case of a loss of all off-site power to the plant, the NuScale Power Module shuts itself down and self‐cools for an unlimited period of time, with no operator action required, no need for additional water, and no AC nor DC power. NuScale power plants are scalable - additional modules are added as customer demand for electricity increases. NuScale's technology also is ideally suited to supply energy for district heating, desalination, and other applications. NuScale is headquartered in Portland, Oregon and has offices in Corvallis, OR; Rockville, MD; Charlotte, NC; Richland, WA; and London, UK.

To keep up to date on NuScale Power in the UK follow @NuScale_UK on Twitter.
