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ITAAC Management

Service Scope

We provide comprehensive Inspections, Tests, Analysis, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) management for SMR power plant customers. Our services include:
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Start-to-finish status tracking of all ITAAC
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Identification of the required principal closure documents for each ITAAC
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Oversight of ITAAC-related vendor, construction, and startup and commissioning activities
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Preparation of all ITAAC notifications required by 10 CFR 52.99, including: completion schedule, closure notifications, post-closure notifications, uncompleted ITAAC notifications, and all ITAAC complete notifications


Why Choose NuScale?

We have incorporated all aspects of ITAAC into our operations platform to support the creation of ITAAC travelers. This enables:
  • Identification of ITAAC activities during each phase (i.e., manufacturing, construction, startup and commissioning)
  • Identification of all ITAAC activities associated with structures, systems, and components (SSC)
  • Integration of ITAAC activities with the construction, startup and commissioning schedules, including those activities targeted for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) observation
  • Identification of schedule activities expected to produce ITAAC principal closure documents
  • Automated tracking and real-time reporting of ITAAC progress toward closure