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Nuclear Fuels and Refueling Outages

Service Scope

We support core design, fuel handling, inspection, nuclear material custodianship, and outage processes and procedures. This service includes:

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Core and cycle design
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Safety, fuel performance, fuel mechanical, core follow, fuel shuffle shutdown margin, fuel seismic/Loss Of Coolant Accident and analyses
Core monitoring software input development
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Operating limits
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Setpoint derivation
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Module thermal power load follow cycle design and analysis
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Multi-cycle analysis and Enriched Uranium Product requirements projection
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Startup physics testing support
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Reactor engineer/Core Monitoring System training
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Post-irradiation fuel and Corrosion Resistant Alloy inspections
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Fuel reconstitution


Why Choose NuScale?

We have an automated, proprietary process that lowers time per core design up to 90%. The benefits include:

  • Increased efficiency over multiple reload projects per year
  • No need to staff station nuclear engineers on-site

Applicable Regulations

  • ANSI/ANS 19.6.1-2019
  • ANSI/ANS-19.4-2017
  • ANSI/ANS-19.1-2002
  • ANSI/ANS-19.3-2011