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O&M Engineering Program Management

Service Scope

We ensure Operations and Maintenance (O&M) programs are implemented in accordance with the design and license basis. This includes translating the design and license basis commitments into a schedule of O&M activities and managing the associated records of work performance. Our operations platform performs automated records tracking for compliance demonstration and to provide real-time status monitoring capability.

Examples of the programmatic services we offer:

Magnifying glass icon.
Pre-service inspection and testing
Document review icon.
In-service inspection and testing
Containment icon.
Containment leakage rate testing
Checkmark icon.
Fire and radiation protection
Process and effluent monitoring and sampling
Light bulb icon.
Non-licensed plant staff training
Emergency planning
Maintenance icon.
Maintenance rule
Work Control


Why Choose NuScale?

As the design authority on NuScale SMR technology, no one is better suited to adjust O&M activities based on design. What you can expect:

  • Less time spent developing procedures for each program. Our operations platform automatically creates traceability between every O&M activity and the commitment that requires that activity.
  • Less time spent developing maintenance procedures. The same tests used for initial testing will be applicable to repair or replace equipment.
  • Less time spent developing in-service testing procedures. The same tests used for initial testing will be the basis for in-service testing.
  • Fewer on-site staff. Manage your fleet easily and efficiently through our operations platform.
  • Built-in testing information management. Test results are easily accessible, traceable to requirements, and stored within the operations platform for the life of the plant.

Applicable Regulations

  • 10 CFR 50.55
  • ASME Operational and Maintenance (OM) Code OM-2012, "Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants"
  • NRC Regulatory Guide 1.192
  • ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), Section XI, "Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components"
  • NQA-1