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Procurement and Spare Parts Management

Service Scope

As the sole supplier of online and outage operations and maintenance (O&M) spares (critical and non-critical), we will:
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Use plant operations data to automate the procurement process
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Assume all risk associated with housing inventory and spare parts
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Store critical spares in a centralized warehouse to guarantee supplies are available when needed


Why Choose NuScale?

As the NuScale SMR power plant design owner, we understand all aspects of the plant systems, structures, and components. We know what parts you need and when you need them. What you can expect:
  • Automation of spare parts ordering through our operations platform
  • Reduced warehouse needs, since we house all inventory
  • Opportunities for local sourcing and vendor partnerships

Applicable Regulations

  • 10 CFR 50 Appendix B
  • NQA-1-2008/2009a