Startup and Testing
Service Scope
We support plant startup and testing activities required to satisfy the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) verification program. This service includes:

Why Choose NuScale?
Our operations platform is designed to increase testing efficiency through automation and data management. What you can expect:
- Less time spent developing test procedures. Our operations platform uses templates and component information to auto-populate test instructions.
- Less time spent developing maintenance procedures. The same tests used for initial testing can be used to repair or replace equipment and maintain continuity to original design requirements.
- Automated test scheduling. Our operations platform uses the plant construction schedule and real-time equipment and testing status to schedule upcoming testing.
- Real-time updates of test results and test status. The operations platform performs testing instructions via electronic procedures, providing real-time upload and analysis of results.
- Built-in testing information management. Test results are easily accessible, traceable to requirements, and stored within the operations platform for the life of the plant.
- Reduced time lost from test failures. The operations platform makes it easy to track requirements for test failure resolution and rapidly reschedule other tests to compensate.
- Less testing. Test requirements are tracked and grouped among multiple operational programs.
Applicable Regulations
- NRC Regulatory Guide 1.68
- IAEA Safety Standards No. SSG-28
- ANSI/ANS-19.6.1